
3 Ways to Thank Your Wedding Photographer

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Utah Wedding Photographer Stephanie Lorraine Photography

Being a small business owner, a wedding photographer or someone that offers a service, knowing your customer is happy is the BEST feeling in the world. As a consumer myself, I never realized the importance of thanking someone. Especially in an age where it can be done so easily, why not help someone with their business?

Maybe it’s assumed that we know, but I’m here to tell you we don’t. Most of the time were wandering around aimlessly, silently wondering whether or not our clients are happy. Don’t be that client! If you’re wondering, does it really matter? Yes! It helps our confidence and could potentially help us reach new clients. Not sure how to give thanks? Don’t worry! I’m here to give you 3 examples of different ways you can thank someone, anyone for their awesome service or product. 

1. Say thank you!

It doesn’t take much for us to feel like we did a good job. Sending a quick email or message saying “Thank you so much, I love it!” Or even just a “Thank you.” Goes such a long way and only takes minutes.

2. Leave a review!

Whether it’s on Facebook or Google, you will do wonders for their business and doesn’t take very long. Send them a quick message, “I’m so happy with your service/product! How can I leave a review?” This is such a confidence booster!

3. Go the extra mile

Go the extra mile and share their your wedding pictures on you social media and Facebook page. If you bought something, share what you received. if you got a service, share the details and what you liked about it. We do our best to advertise and market but nothing works like word of mouth. Share one of their posts or update your status with “check out this awesome wedding shot!”

3 Ways to Thank Your Wedding Photographer camera

*Bonus tip!

Do you follow us on Instagram or Facebook? If you do, please comment! We love getting your likes but getting genuine comments is GOLD when it comes to the social media world. 

There you have it! Here are 3 ways to thank a wedding photographer for their services and support their business. I hope this is helpful and would love to hear any feedback <3

Many Thanks to Stephanie Lorraine Photography for the Guest Blog. 
Please go check out her work!